
Stay competitive
in a fast-changing world

“Psychological safety may turn out to be the most powerful driver for business agility, resilience and innovation” (Accenture).

Psychological Safety Survey

Our survey plays a central role in assessing levels of psychological safety within a specific team, division, or group company within your organisation. This comprehensive survey not only identifies areas for improvement but also offers tailored recommendations to enhance your organisation’s levels of psychological safety.

This is how it works:

Step 1: Decide whether you will measure a specific team, division or group company within your organisation. 

Step 2: We will provide you with a survey link to distribute to the relevant participants.

Step 3:  The data will be analysed by an experienced psychologist, ensuring a thorough and expert evaluation. Within 21 days, you will receive a comprehensive report, complete with personalised feedback and actionable recommendations.  This is not an automated report; it is tailored to the specific needs of your organisation.

Step 4: Discuss the findings internally or with a specialist colleague within the Hesper GRC team, to agree actions and strategy.   

Step 5: Repeat periodically, to monitor and demonstrate improvements.


If you have specific concerns about particular areas within your business or seek a level of reassurance that your operations are running smoothly, we can customise the survey to measure additional elements.

Research has shown that low levels of psychological safety are significantly related to various critical business issues, such as employee engagement, trust, communication and incident reporting levels (for example, workplace accidents or near misses, supply chain issues, product safety, through to harassment). Our survey can be adapted to collect data on these specific issues.

Psychological Safety Deep Dive

To gain deeper insights, conducting staff interviews (we prefer to call them ‘conversations’) and/or focus groups which are additional to and go beyond the surveys, allow us to potentially uncover deeper, structural insights. 

Face to face meetings with employees can help build trust, rapport and result in more meaningful data being collected that a survey alone may not always achieve.   

Step 1: We work closely with you to plan the deep dive review, ensuring it aligns with your organisation’s unique needs and objectives.

Step 2: We hold a series of employee ‘conversations’ / focus groups.

Step 3: We provide a comprehensive and confidential board report which:

          Details the current psychological safety status;
          Highlights any other critical aspects which may arise during the employee ‘conversations’; and
          Offers actionable recommendations to improve psychological safety within your organisation.

Depending on the nature of the deep dive, meetings will be conducted by either a former regulatory lawyer who is highly experienced in conducting complex investigations; a senior HR specialist; an organisational or clinical psychologist. 

Director Level Psychological Safety Training

Our dynamic and engaging training course empowers directors with a deep understanding of how psychological safety directly influences the bottom line. 

We provide industry-specific case studies, encompassing both success stories and instructive insights from where companies have got it wrong.  Attendees will receive practical advice, tools and resources for immediate application within their organisation to cultivate enduring psychological safety.

Team Level Psychological Safety Training

A memorable, lively and interactive training course to help facilitate psychological safety within your teams.  We have crafted a course which is not only informative but transformative.

This training session will provide delegates with an understanding of what psychological safety is, how it benefits both them and their team and how to work towards achieving it.  The course is tailored to your specific organisation.

We will complete exercises together to provide them with the tools to build and sustain a psychologically safe team environment and resources to continue to improve. This course is a real game changer.

Innovate or fade:
reinventing team culture

The world is experiencing a level of disruption and business challenge not seen in generations. Some companies will falter while others will flourish, innovate and grow. The game-changer? A workplace culture which fosters ‘psychological safety’ – true innovation thrives in an environment of trust, support, and open communication.  Let us help you.

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